‏Al-Halboosi condoles Iraqi people and Muslim world for the death of Imam Musa bin Jaafar (peace be upon him)


‏The Parliament Speaker Mohammed al-Halboosi expressed his condolences, on, to the Iraqi people, the Islamic world and the Great Religious Authorities on the anniversary of the death of Imam Musa bin Jaafar.

‏”The commemoration of the death of Imam Musa bin Jaafar al-Kadhim, peace be upon him, is a reminder of the sacrifices and appeal to the values ​​of truth and justice that the people of the house of the Messenger of Allah and his pure companions have followed.” The Speaker said.

‏Al-Halboosi called on the Iraqi people and all their sects to have lessons from this painful anniversary, and to make it a clear and systematic way of unity and overcoming differences. His Excellency recalled the blood of the martyrs who rose up in order to defend Iraq against the terrorist ISIS attack, as an extension of the revolutionary values ​​of Imam Kadhim, peace be upon him, that reject injustice and tyranny.

‏The Speaker praised the role of the security forces in all its forms in providing protection to visitors coming from the provinces and the capital Baghdad, saluting the service and medical support people who contribute to the provision of services to the masses of visitors heading towards the Imam’s shrine.

‏Media Office
‏Of the Parliament Speaker
‏April 2, 2019