Al-Kaabi calls on security authorities to intensify efforts to release “Tawfiq al-Tamimi” and to find kidnappers

The First Deputy Speaker Hassan Karim al-Kaabi called on security and intelligence bodies to intensify efforts to speed up the release of the writer and journalist who worked for al-Sabah newspaper “Tawfiq Al-Tamimi” and to find the criminal gangs that kidnapped him and bring them to justice.
Al-Kaabi called on the government to work hard to protect journalists and stop threats, extortion, kidnappings, and killings that jeopardize their work. He stated “journalists are the fourth authority and we must stand strong with their cases and protect them”, indicating that they had a distinct and effective role in the victory achieved in all the battles against terrorism, as well as their great role in conveying facts and solving the problems of citizens with professionalism and credibility.
The First Deputy Speaker Media Office