
‏The Presidency of the House of Representatives held an extraordinary meeting with the government today, Wednesday, to discuss efforts to combat the Coronavirus pandemic, and health, economic and service conditions, to take all necessary measures to confront the crisis.

‏The meeting decided:

‏• Providing the necessary legislative cover by the legislative authority to the government to take the necessary and urgent measures to face the crisis.

‏• Providing the necessary financial allocations to the Ministry of Health and the Crisis Cell (Diwani Order Committee of 55).

‏• Working to provide adequate quarantine places for the injured urgently.

‏• Securing the employees’ salaries and delivering them according to the time schedules specified for each month.

‏• Paying attention to the segment of low-income citizens by considering launching a salary of two months or more for the beneficiaries of the social protection network.

‏• Consider launching a salary of two months or more for civilian and military retirees.

‏• Working to secure the nutritional and medicinal needs of citizens and to deliver the daily needs of people with limited incomes through several measures that will be taken by the government.

‏• Follow-up the needs of Iraqi citizens abroad by providing means of return for those who wish.

‏• Full support for the efforts of the Ministry of Health, its cadres, security forces, and all state institutions for the exceptional effort being made to confront the crisis and its requirements.

‏Media Office
‏Of the Parl. Speaker
‏Apr 1, 2020