The Presidium of the Council of Representatives discusses with the heads and representatives of parliamentary blocs and committees the implications of the economic crisis and ways to maximize state resources and take the necessary decisions.    


Today, Wednesday 22/4/2020, the Presidency of the Iraqi Council of Representatives held an expanded meeting with the heads and representatives of parliamentary blocs and committees in the presence of the two Deputy Speakers , Mr. Hassan Karim Al-Kaabi and Dr. Bashir Khalil Al-Haddad, During the meeting, they discussed the rampifications of the economic crisis and its effects on the country, and the financial problems that resulted from the decline in oil prices globally due to the Corona virus pandemic. In addition to discussing the files and issues related to the daily and living life of citizens from the continuous provision of services and the provision of basic foodstuffs.


Al-Haddad stressed the importance of maximizing state resources and speeding up the implementation of reform procedures in line with the requirements of the current phase and intensifying the efforts of government institutions, Reduce expenditures, and take the necessary and joint decisions between the three authorities (legislative – executive – judicial), And the involvement of Syndicates , unions and humanitarian organizations to face the challenges of this economic crisis and reduce the damage as much as possible until it exceeds this critical phase.


Media office of the Deputy Speaker of the Iraqi Council of Representatives

Wednesday 22 April 2020